Dallas TX new Homes
Driving I35 North or South:
Take 'Oak Lawn' exit onto Oak Lawn Ave; turn onto Oak Lawn Ave, going East. Take a left turn onto Lemmon Ave heading Northwest. Pass under the Dallas North Tollway. Turn right onto Cedar Plaza Lane. Oak Park is located on the left hand side, one block in on Cedar Plaza Lane.
Driving Dallas North Tollway North or South:
Take the 'Wycliff' exit onto Wycliff and turn onto Wycliff, going East. Take a left turn onto Lemmon Ave heading Northwest. Pass under the Dallas North Tollway. Turn right onto Cedar Plaza Lane. Oak Park is located on the left hand side, one block in on Cedar Plaza Lane.
Driving 75 North or South:
Take 'Lemmon Ave' exit onto frontage road and turn onto Lemmon Ave heading Northwest towards uptown. Continue onto Lemmon Ave past Oak Lawn and pass under the Dallas North Tollway. Turn right onto Cedar Plaza Lane. Oak Park is located on the left hand side, one block in on Cedar Plaza Lane.