Historic Homes for Sale Dallas
Click on above photographs to see Lakewood real estate and homes for sale or that have sold
You understand the gracious elegance of East Dallas when driving from Mockingbird Lane, down West Lawther, Tokalon and Swiss Avenue to downtown.
- Douglas Newby
Are You a Lakewood Homeowner? You Have Come to the Right Place
If you are considering selling your Lakewood home, we will bring you the best results as we best understand your home and the potential buyers. Call me to see if I should represent you in selling your Lakewood home.
Lakewood Boulevard is the ceremonial street of architecture.
A favorite home in the Lakewood neighborhood and one of the most admired estate homes in Dallas.Neighborhoods of Lakewood
Pasadena Additions 1 and 2 are located in the southeast part of Lakewood, west of the White Rock Lake Spillway. This historic neighborhood began with the cooperative efforts of Pasadena... See More
Lakewood Neighborhood - Continued
Lakewood’s reputation as the fashionable neighborhood can be attributed not only to the strong architectural presence of French Eclectic and English Tudor, Colonial Revival and Spanish Eclectic-style homes, but to the wide lawns, deep lots and wooded hills overlooking White Rock Reservoir. The natural beauty of its setting combined with its architectural interest and the activism of its residents insure that Lakewood will remain one of Dallas’ finest neighborhoods.
Tokalon Personifies the Topography of Lakewood Neighborhood
Tokalon Drive Reflects the Style of the Lakewood NeighborhoodArchitecturally Significant Homes® and Significant Homes® and Architecturally Significant® are registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office. Text, Images, Photography - Copyright © 1994-2017 Douglas Newby. All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Douglas Newby. Links to relevant information on the website are welcome
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Douglas Newby & Associates | 25 Highland Park Village #100-592, Dallas, TX 75205 | (214) 522-1000