June 21, 2018
House in Irving TX
The City of Irving’s Housing and Human Services Department helps our community by providing housing and infrastructure improvements, social services partnerships, and quality of life enhancements.
Grant Funds
The department annually receives grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The Housing and Human Services Department administers three primary HUD grants which are the:- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
- Home Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME)
Seeking General Contractors
The Planning and Community Development Department is now accepting applications for general contractors to become Preferred Contractor's for the Home Restoration Program(s). Applications will be accepted until 5pm Friday, December 30, 2016 . Click here for documents reqarding contractor requirements.Public Notice Announcements
Section 8 InformationThe City of Irving does not currently administer Section 8 rental assistance vouchers; however, it does accept the vouchers. Contact one of the following Housing Authorities for assistance: