Las Colinas Irving TX Zip code
Walk-ins and same day appointments are accepted at MedSpring 7 days a week, including Saturdays and Sundays. Whether you want to walk-in to get a nagging sore throat checked out or have a provider take X-rays of a sprain or a strain, you can visit our urgent care clinic here in Irving for most non-life-threatening minor emergencies. Often times, non-emergency medical situations can be treated at an urgent care clinic vs. an ER for a considerably lower fee and wait time. In fact, the average visit time at MedSpring is just under an hour!
On top of highly reviewed urgent care services, we have amentities to make your visit to the clinic more comfortable. From snacks and gourmet beverages to an in-suite TV and free Wi-Fi, we hope to make your experience at MedSpring unlike any other hospital visit.
Nearby Neighborhoods: Las Colinas, Hackberry, Valley Ranch, Cooks Branch, Farmers Branch, Brookhaven, Luna Vista