TCU rental House
The Housing and Residence Life office in PE Clark Hall has many resources for students looking for homes off campus. We provide students with some tools to assist them in finding a place that will maximize their enjoyment in their new living experience. Currently, there is limited housing on campus for TCU juniors and seniors. However, there is a range of off campus housing close to campus to fit students needs. Please visit our office for all available information or visit these pages: Apartment Directory, Apartment Ads, and TCU Announce-Rental/Roommates.
The GrandMarc at West Berry is a unique apartment building that features a variety of apartment options including a parking deck, pool and much more. And best of all, the location is so close to TCU it’s practically on campus. A TCU hall director and RAs are assigned to live within the building. The GrandMarc is privately owned and operated, but was developed in partnership with TCU to meet the growing need for apartment-style housing for students. To learn more about the GrandMarc visit their website.
Contact Award Realtors if you are interested in leasing/renting a home around the TCU Campus. Click here for more information.
Contact Village East if you are interested in leasing/renting an apartment near the TCU Campus. Click here for more information.
Off-Campus Options for Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students:
There are many apartment complexes in the area and students can attend the TCU Housing and Residence Life Off-Campus Housing Fair in the Fall, and in the Spring semester to meet with representatives from local apartment complexes. Students can also visit the housing office to pick up flyers and pamphlets to help them in their off-campus search.
Off-Campus Options exclusively for Graduate Students:
Leibrock Village houses graduate students in programs other than those at Brite Divinity School when space permits. For more information please contact the director, Nancy Grieser via or visit their