Zillow rental Fort Worth
The median list price per square foot in Fort Worth is $102, which is lower than the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro average of $124. The median price of homes currently listed in Fort Worth is $214, 000. The median rent price in Fort Worth is $1, 400, which is lower than the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro median of $1, 550.
Foreclosures will be a factor impacting home values in the next several years. In Fort Worth 0.1 homes are foreclosed (per 10, 000). This is lower than the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro value of 0.2 and also lower than the national value of 0.9
Mortgage delinquency is the first step in the foreclosure process. This is when a homeowner fails to make a mortgage payment. The percent of delinquent mortgages in Fort Worth is 0.0%, which is lower than the national value of 0.0%. With U.S. home values having fallen by more than 20% nationally from their peak in 2007 until their trough in late 2011, many homeowners are now underwater on their mortgages, meaning they owe more than their home is worth. The percent of Fort Worth homeowners underwater on their mortgage is 0.0%, which is higher than Dallas-Fort Worth Metro at 0.0%.